School, Marching Band, and Busy Schedules

  Hey there! For those of you who may have been hanging around looking for a post, I am so sorry! Honestly, school and band has taken up most of my thoughts. To be honest, I hadn't thought of this blog in a few months! However, this post is not about why I haven't posted in a while. Well, partly. Mostly this post is to explain some things and why posting may become more frequent and infrequent at different points in time. Here we go!
  For those of you who don't know, I am in school and it takes up the majority of my time for obvious reasons. Not to mention, I also have marching band which tends to take up any time I have left over! My few free moments are usually spent reading library books that are close to being due or actually relaxing with fanfiction, Netflix, or YouTube. On that note, I will be making a post on some recommendations that I have based on those few free moments!
  Marching band is awesome and terrible at the same time. I love the other people in my section (I play flute if you didn't know!) but at the same time, marching is really hard. I plan to make another post that is more in depth about my experiences so far and my struggles and achievements (mostly still struggles) but that's for another time! But beyond that, now that we've hit October we're in competitions every Saturday. This month is a little chaotic for my family.
  Not to mention, I have siblings and one of my parents has a job which can lead to some conflicts and time waiting in cars and bleachers. So that can lead to a hard time too. Hopefully this will calm down a tiny bit as we get more used to things. :)
  Basically what I'm saying is that I am really busy and would appreciate some patience with the posting. Hopefully it will become better over time! Thanks for reading and see you next time!


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