My Other Blog

   Hey there! Welcome to my blog! Ok, so I made this other blog called My Crazy Fanfiction not that long ago. Pretty sure I wrote about it on here, but thought I'd say something again since it's not getting much love.
   It's basically my reccommendations on fanfiction for Attack on Titan, Rise Of The Guardians, and Star Wars Rebels. It's also where I'm posting all of my fanfiction!!! I just wrote my first chapter of my first fanfiction EVER and I hope you all are willing to go check it out! Links to both the homepage of that blog and the fanfiction will be at the bottom of this post. Anyway, I really need some feedback when it comes to fanfiction so please go check it out!! Take advantage of the choices you can use for commenting and let me know how I'm doing! PLEASE!!!!!
   Until next time................


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