Some info about me

  Hey there! Welcome to my blog! Well, as the title of this post suggests, I am here to tell you some stuff about me that might affect this blog. I'm starting school a week from now (next Monday) and that means I'll have to start posting less than I have been. I'll try to make a schedule on when I'm going to post but that'll have to wait until I've started school and know info about band and choir. I'll tell you guys the schedule as soon as I can when I make it. Next, I'm really busy so if I don't stick to the schedule I'm making I promise to make a post asap about why. I might not give specific details all the time but you'll know if it was school or family or friends etc.  that kept me from posting. Lastly, I'm kinda upset about some things right now so I might not be posting the happiest of things all the time. I'll make sure to not bombard you guys with feels all the time but be prepared for them. Anyway, I've decided to make a QOTP (Question of the post) for people to answer in case they don't know what comment. Probably will put up two different ones in case someone doesn't want to answer one of them. Some might be personal while others will be random.
Until next time..............
1.)When do you go back to school?
2.)Do you like school or summer more?
1.) I go back to school next Monday, August 17'th.
2.)I like summer a lot, but school has a lot more books than I have at my house. :)


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