
  Hey! Welcome to my blog! So lately I've noticed a lack of comments even though I know you are reading these posts whoever you are, wherever you are. So I thought I would make a quick little post about the comments so that I could possibly clear up some confusion that anyone may have about the comment section'
  1.    ANYONE can comment.
  2. There are several different ways to identify yourself, once you choose to comment.
  3. There is an Anoyomus choice for those of who wish to remain unidefintied.
  4. I need feedback on the things I post even if it's telling me you don't agree/you didn't understand/ you didn't like it. I only ask that all comments be respectful and not contain swear words. You can look at my "Hi There!" post for some more guidlines on comments.
  5. Seeing people have visited my blog makes me smile. Seeing comments would make me smile even more.
  6. I promise to respect what people say in the comment section as long as it is stated in a kind and UN-confrontational way. What that means is don't go asking me a question about something, that you don't want answered.
  Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope I can look forward to some comments soon!
  Until next time.......


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